Since we have been producing family trees, we have found that they are most often donated. Few people order one for themselves. In fact, donating a family tree is a very personal and unconventional affair. If you are thinking about donating a family tree, read on for 5 reasons to stop hesitating.
1. A personal and unique gift
A family tree is a unique gift that you customize directly to a specific family and person. Each family tree is individually created and contains information associated only with that family. In this way, you are giving a gift that is completely personal and unique.
2. Preserving family history
A family tree is a record of ancestors, their life stories and family history. By donating a family tree, you are helping to preserve and pass on this valuable history to future generations. It is a way to appreciate and value your family heritage.
3. Strengthening bonds between family members
Giving a family tree promotes connections and feelings of belonging among family members. It helps build and strengthen bonds as recipients can see their place within the family tree and betterunderstand their family background.
4. Educational value
A family tree can serve as an educational tool that provides information about genealogy, history and family traditions. By donating a family tree, you are providing the recipient with an opportunity to better know their roots, discover their ancestors, and expand their knowledge.
5. Valuable family heirlooms
A family tree is a gift that has long-term value and can become an important family heirloom. By donating a family tree, you are helping to create a history and legacy that will last for generations and bind the family together. You will leave something of value for future descendants.
These reasons highlight the importance of giving a family tree as a gift and emphasize not only its personal and emotional value to the recipient, but also the importance of family history.